Data Mining Approach for Breast Cancer Patient Recovery
Breast cancer is the second highest cancer type which attacked Indonesian women. There are several factors known related to encourage an increased risk of breast cancer, but especially in Indonesia that factors often depends on the treatment routinely. This research examines the determinant factors of breast cancer and measures the breast cancer patient data to build the useful classification model using data mining approach.The dataset was originally taken from one of Oncology Hospital in East Java, Indonesia, which consists of 1097 samples, 21 attributes and 2 classes. We used three different feature selection algorithms which are Information Gain, Fisher’s Discriminant Ratio and Chi-square to select the best attributes that have great contribution to the data. We applied Hierarchical K-means Clustering to remove attributes which have lowest contribution. Our experiment showed that only 14 of 21 original attributes have the highest contribution factor of the breast cancer data. The clustering algorithmdecreased the error ratio from 44.48% (using 21 original attributes) to 18.32% (using 14 most important attributes).We also applied the classification algorithm to build the classification model and measure the precision of breast cancer patient data. The comparison of classification algorithms between Naïve Bayes and Decision Tree were both given precision reach 92.76% and 92.99% respectively by leave-one-out cross validation. The information based on our data research, the breast cancer patient in Indonesia especially in East Java must be improved by the treatment routinely in the hospital to get early recover of breast cancer which it is related with adherence of patient.Downloads
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